May 17, 2024

Natural defenses, how does it work?

Natural defenses are the set of barriers that lifts our body to defend against external aggression. These attacks can be bacteria, viruses, stress, pollution, poor nutrition, lack of sleep ...

70% of our natural defenses are organized by the intestinal system. It acts as a sorting center between what is absorbed by the body (nutrients for example) and what must be rejected (bad bacteria, waste, ...) The intestinal flora is the first filter that opposes unwanted bacteria and prevents them from proliferating in the intestines. Then the mucus of the intestinal wall prevents their adhesion and finally the intestinal immune system fights the intruders.

To have an effective system of natural defensesGood bacteria must outnumber bad bacteria. For this, it is essential to have a balanced diet, absorbed in calm and regular conditions. A balanced diet means eating a variety of reasonably priced fresh and dried fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat alternating with fish and eggs and then dairy products. Yogurts have probiotics that are very useful living organisms, especially if you have just taken antibiotic therapy. Of course, it is desirable to limit animal fats and sugar (apart from that of fruit) and drink water to help the body drain the waste.

Another way of booster its natural defensesis to respect a global lifestyle: to get enough sleep and take a nap (if possible!), to do a regular physical activity - if only walking that has the power to stimulate the work of the intestines by massage - and to limit as much as possible the stressors of life.

The skin is one of the most important barriers of the body against aggressive agents. It is recommended to wash them with very soft products so as not to strip the good bacteria that stand guard and to dry well to avoid the development of fungi like fungal infections. Do not neglect hand washing, especially before meals and after the toilet, because they are in contact with many bacteria and viruses (handshakes, door handles ...). This allows to decrease especially colds and gastroenteritis which often punctuate our winters.

Mucous are zones to treat with attention because they constitute a place of exchange between the inside and the outside of the organism. The mouth is lined with a mucous membrane to which it is good to take special care. In addition to the teeth, you can brush the tongue, the inside of the cheeks and the gums. A regular visit to the dentist can treat the problems of infection as soon as possible and limit certain sinusitis and rhinitis. The lining of the nose suffers from cold, dryness and heat. In winter, it is advisable not to overheat your home and maintain a reasonable humidity. The dust is filtered by the small hairs of the nose but it is important to blow your nose carefully and to wash the inside of the nose with a saline solution.
Our advice:
In winter, you can stimulate your natural defenses with a cure vitamins and trace elements. In case of cold nascent, quickly take a cure of vitamin C, the anti-infectious vitamin that knows how to act very quickly. Two citrus fruits or one kiwi and a half are fruits that can easily bring you your daily dose amounting to 120 mg. Parsley, peppers, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, lychees and cabbages are also good sources.

Immunotherapy: using your body’s natural defenses to fight cancer (May 2024)