May 17, 2024

Pastry recipe: 5 individual pastries to make yourself

GirlsFromMainStreet offers 5 recipes to prepare yourself.


Chocolate eclair
Count one hour, between the puff pastry, the pastry cream and the chocolate fondant.
For puff pastry: boil the water with butter and sugar. Out of the fire, the flour is incorporated. Then add the eggs. Using a piping bag, make strokes on your silicone plate to create lightning. Bake in the oven at 200ºC for 20 minutes. Especially do not open the oven door before the end of cooking.
For the pastry cream, boil the milk and then put the chocolate. Next, beat the eggs with the sugar and the cornflour and pour the milk. Put back on a low heat and allow to cool.
Once the puff pastry and the cold cream, garnish the pastry bag with the pastry cream and add it to the dough.
For the fondant, melt the chocolate with the fondant and the water and line the éclairs.


Strawberry tart
Cook the bottom of the tartlets (shortbread or broken) in a mold for 20 minutes. Prepare the pastry cream. Whisk two egg yolks with sugar until blanching. Put the milk to heat in a saucepan. Add the flour and sugar to the eggs, and add a little milk. The preparation should thicken.
Rune them strawberries. Put a teaspoon of cream in each tart. Add them strawberries. Sprinkle with icing sugar and chill.


Custard pastry
Boil the milk with the split vanilla bean. Mix the cornflour with the sugar and add the beaten eggs. Mix everything and add the boiling milk (without the pod). Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring for 1 to 2 minutes. Put the broken dough in a dish and pour the preparation. Cook in medium oven for 30 to 40 minutes.


Tarte Tatin
Peel golden apples and cut them in 2. Cook the apples in a caramel. Arrange apples in a dish and sprinkle with vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Cover with puff pastry pressing well on the edges. Put in medium oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Enjoy warm.


Chocolate cake

Melt the chocolate in a saucepan with a little water. Off the heat, add the butter, flour and yeast. Prepare a mousse with the egg yolk and sugar and add to the chocolate mixture. Beat the egg whites and add them to the saucepan. Pour everything into a buttered mold and bake for 30 minutes at 180 °.


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