June 28, 2024

Premature labor, what is it?

The causes :

- A trauma like a fall or a car accident


- A larger than average uterus can also cause premature birth. That's why on average 30% of premature are twins.


- A malformation of the uterus


- A disease in pregnant women such as diabetes or acute infection


- Excessive fatigue due to overwork or violent physical exertion


However, we do not yet know all the causes of a delivery premature and in a third of cases, can not be explained.


Signs and precautions to take:

Strong and regular contractions indicate a delivery imminent. If this is the case, lie down, take an antispasmodic suppository and tell your gynecologist quickly.


If this does not happen, go directly to the hospital so that a doctor will check if the cervix has begun to dilate, which would confirm the risk of it?delivery premature. In the most extreme cases where the pain is too strong, do not move from home and call SOS Doctors.


If the risk is ultimately minimal, your gynecologist will prescribe total rest and medications to stop contractions. If the risk is high, you will be immediately hospitalized and remain under surveillance.


The babypremature

There are generally two categories of premature? Those born between the 35th and 36th week and those born under 35 weeks. In the first case, the baby short of risks, however, he receives the care reserved for premature because it is more fragile than babies born at term.


On the other hand, baby who come into the world at less than 35 weeks of pregnancy, weigh less than 2 kilos and are prone to complications. They are transferred to a center of babiespremature where they are the object of intensive care: infusion, placement in incubator to maintain a good temperature, blood transfusions in some cases? However, contact with the mother can continue and they are fundamental for improving the health of the mother. baby who feels so reassured, and the mother too!

Preterm Labor visual summary. (June 2024)