April 28, 2024

Teens and alcohol: at what age do they begin to consume?

In our country, the consumption ofalcohol begins around 10-12 years in the family. At a wedding, birthday or family party, parents agree that the teenager tastes a little champagne or a glass bottom of wine.

Then, growing up, the teenager seeks his limits and transgresses the rules established by the parents and morals. He will then learn the different alcohols, will consume more especially during evenings on weekends. For some people teensdrink is a means of disinhibiting and filling emotional gaps.

However, in recent years, binge drinking has led teens more and more frequently to hospitals because of violence or comas. To avoid this, many parents question their responsibility for the excessive consumption of their child.

Prohibit the first glass ofalcohol would only strengthen the youth's taste for transgression. Moreover, if it is not in a family setting, the teenager will always end up tasting wine or other in friends or at a party. And in the spirit of revenge, it is possible that he is tempted to drink too much.

On the other hand, to show to the teenager the misdeeds of thealcohol to excess can be interesting. In the same way, it seems sensible to make him aware that the manufacturers put everything in place so that he falls into the trap of the premixes, these sweet mixtures where the taste of thealcohol is not very present and which are mainly intended for a young audience.

Binge Drinking (April 2024)