May 7, 2024

The different rhythms of the child

The child is governed by three rhythms: biological, physical and psychological. The first consists of alternating waking and sleeping. The child needs to sleep enough to be able to record all the information given in class. For this, his hours of sunrise and sunset should not vary. But with homework, this rule is not always easy to apply.
The other rhythm is physical, it is the development of the child.
Finally, the last is psychological. François Testu, chronobiologist and author of "Rhythms of life and school rhythms" (Masson editions), explains it to us: "Psychological rhythms are behavioral: attitude in class, attention, vigilance ... They fluctuate during the day, the week and the year. There are times when you are more successful. These rhythms are often correlated with biological rhythms. For example, that of attention is modeled on that of fatigue. The problem is to reconcile the biological, psychological and academic rhythms. " 
Added to this are other rhythms such as society (parents who come back late, habits to sit down to eat, keep a weekend on two ...) and theschool (schedules, timetables ...).
The child's rhythm evolves according to his age and the time of day. The peak of his cognitive performance is estimated at 11 hours. They rise from the sunrise to lower after 11 hours, before rising in the late afternoon. But'school is not really suited to these times.

Duration = Beat vs. Rhythm (May 2024)