April 28, 2024

The name of the day: Sidney

Etymology of given name Sidney
The first name Sidney comes from Latin and means "the inhabitants of Sidon". This first name is carried by about 1,000 people in France and should not be awarded to more than 30 babies in 2013. The Sidney is honored on November 14th.

Sidon is one of the oldest cities in Phenicia on the Lebanese coast. It was founded by Canaan, Noah's grandson. This city of exceptional destiny overcame the destruction inflicted by the Persians in 343, then by the Assyrians in 677. Today Sidon is called Sayda. The first name Sidney has spread timidly in the hexagon unlike the English-speaking countries where this first name has become popular.

Sidney is a radiant and endearing young man. In his professional life, he is communicative persevering and clever. In his personal life, Sidney regularly needs comfort or family safety.

Nelson Beats the Odds: A Day with Ronnie Sidney, II, MSW​ (April 2024)