May 21, 2024

The origins of Mother's Day

The last Sunday of May in France is an opportunity to celebrate moms. Whether we are small or big, our mother becomes the queen of the day. Contrary to what one might think, the origin of Mother's Day does not come from an association of traders, florists or jewelers in search of money. The first traces of this holiday are found in ancient Greece. It was then to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. It is then perpetrated by the Latin, who offered gifts to women in front of the temple of Juno. This tradition lasted until the fourth century, when Christianity took precedence over Roman polytheism.
In our modern societies, Mother's Day is reborn in the United States, on the initiative of a woman writer, Anna Jarvis. It is thanks to her that President Wilson decided to make this day a national day. In 1914, the United States decided to celebrate the moms on the second Sunday of May.
In France, Mother's Day is originally a party that aims to promote families many. Thus, in 1806, Napoleon tries with this festival to revive fertility. More than a century later, Mother's Day is celebrated after World War I, in honor of all those women who lost their sons and husbands to war. It is also under the influence of American soldiers that the party takes place in the country. The party is officialized by the government in 1929. And it is under the Vichy government that Mother's Day integrates the calendar. Anxious to advocate the benefits of familyMother's Day is thus part of the politics of the time.
It was finally in 1950, with the initiative of Vincent Auriol, that a law determines the date of this festival. Since Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May, unless this date coincides with that of Pentecost. In this case, Mother's Day is held on the first Sunday of June.
Today, Mother's Day has lost its political character. Although it marks the importance of family in French society, it is above all a way for husbands and children to show their love to their wives or mothers. So again this year, do not hesitate. Kisses, drawings, flowers, jewels, perfumes, thoughts, we moms, we take everything!
With our neighbors: Each country has set a date to celebrate moms. In Spain and Portugal, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. Germany, Belgium, Canada, Italy and even Japan are celebrating mothers on the second Sunday of May.

The historical origins of Mother's Day (May 2024)