June 26, 2024

The saga of brands: the Lancôme story

In 1935 was born the will of a man to offer to the woman what is the most beautiful and the best: Armand Petitjean, worthy disciple of François Coty, the "father of the luxury perfumery" launches a range of five fragrances whose names compete with poetry with their delicate scents. So Tropics, Tender nights, Kypre and bocages are available to women in bottles designed by the great artist Georges Delhome.

To offer the most beautiful to womenis also to allow him to prolong his youth in all his brilliance. As early as 1936, Armand Petitjean potted this aspiration and gave it the name of Nutrixbecause the care cream is nutritious and regenerative. If in 1955 the range of care is increased byOceane, a line of products enriched with algae and trace elements, the formulas remain unchanged to this day. Luxury is eternal! Makeup offers a palette of colors and textures of subtle richness in cases that hold more jewelry.

Lancôme seduced by his boldness and its uncompromising quality the L'Oréal house that buys the Mark in 1964. This integration into a powerful group makes it possible to further scientific research and knowledge of the mechanisms of beauty. Each formula is based on state-of-the-art technology and refined focus, a hymn to efficiency and fun to use.

Number 1 in the selective market with 9% share of the world market, Lancome is distributed today in 160 countries. 18,000 points of sale give women creations like their creator: bold, unexpected, feminine, luxurious.

WTF!!!! $3.90 (£3.90) PRIMER THAT BEATS THEM ALL!!!! (June 2024)