May 3, 2024

Walking to stay in shape during pregnancy

Walking is one of the easiest sports and the most accessible to practice.

Everyone knows how to walk, it can be done near his home, and it is inexpensive: a good pair of sneakers and sports pants are enough.

Walking helps to keep fit and maintain good circulation, which can sometimes be harmed during pregnancy.

To feel the benefits of walkingyou have to walk at a fast pace, but not run for it.

To motivate yourself, nothing like a catchy music play-list and a pedometer to count his efforts and realize that one improves every day, without making any competition, since it is not at all the moment .

Choosing your route is very important, parks, woods and gardens will be preferred over macadam. Doing the same walk every day allows you to feel the changes, and so let your mind escape to be really relaxed and refresh your mind.

Another advantage, walking can be practiced from the beginning to the end of pregnancy.

WALKING WORKOUT - Indoors Prenatal 11 minute walk and tone, suitable for every trimester (May 2024)