May 8, 2024

What's the use of a mom?

Sarah, 11 years old

A mum it serves to protect us, to hug us, and make us polite for later!

Leo, 3 years old

It serves when when moms they are not there, I say: I want my mum.

Alice, 7 years old

To say good night at night, we prepare breakfast ...

Caroline, 4 years old

To make sandwiches.

Louis, 4 1/2 years

A mum, it serves to monitor the children and to serve food.

Edmée, 7 years old

It serves to keep us, to cuddle and make us happy.

Abelin, 4 1/2 years

To tell stories.

Alix, 10 years old

To educate children.

Nina, 6 years old

A mum like daddy.

Gabriel, 9 years old

It's used to take the children at school, playing with them and making them happy.

Alexandre, 6 1/2 years old

To teach us things.

Marion, 6 years old

To serve.

Edo, 4 years old

To make babies.

Coline, 6 years old

A mum, it serves to take care of children, to watch if they do not do nonsense and cuddle.

François, 9 years old

To marry a man and to have a family.

Cassandre, 4 1/2 years

To take care of us.

Marion, 7 years old

To raise children and to love them. Then also to protect, to make lots of kisses and cuddles and to offer gifts.

Robin, 8 years old

To learn good manners.

Gaït, 5 years old

It serves to take care of children, it makes food and we sleep.

Clarisse, 7 1/2 years old

To make us grow.

Juliette, 4 1/2 years

To take care of children.

Mathilde, 6 years old

It serves to make live the children.

Day In The Life With a Newborn | Mom Vlog (May 2024)