May 22, 2024

What to do when he does not want to commit: to undergo or react?

He loves you but is not determined to offer you more than the present. The future may be uncertain, it does not pose a problem for him: he is content to live by your side, day by day. Except that this formula without commitment does not suit you! You do not want a marriage proposal in a minute, but a few comforting words, a few small promises would help you to be positive.

To begin, before going through cries, tears and heated exchanges, try to understand where the problem comes from. Communicate, make him talk to you, put words on what he feels. Find what blocks it and what prevents it from projecting itself in all serenity. You never know, this conversation could be encouraging ...

The verdict is irrevocable: it does not promise you anything, you are dating, but nothing says that you will always be in a relationship tomorrow or in three months, or that you will be married in two or five years ... Your love for him is without appeal? Stay, try to make him change his mind, time may take care of it. But without ignoring the risk: he could never go back on his decision. Beware of regrets and "lost" years waiting for a click that may never come.

This situation is no longer livable? Despite months or years of loving you, he refuses to commit? You choose to leave it, put your feelings aside and go looking for a man who will not be afraid to consider the future for two, who will reassure you. Certainly, the separation is difficult, but you can no longer suffer from his doubts and his pessimism. What's more normal than commitment, when we love each other? After all, you're worth it!

Why The Modern Man Won't Commit, and What You Can Do About It (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy) (May 2024)