May 17, 2024

Winter Special Top Flop: Natalie Portman Vs. Kylie Minogue

When temperatures drop below zero degrees, one does not want to warm up against his duvet. But unless you're bedridden by a high fever, no excuse, you'll have to get dressed. Option coat cashmere for Natalie Portman or jacket of leather for Kylie Minogue, the opinion of the Fashion Police!

Invited by David Letterman for his warm, Natalie Portman chose a value with a coat XXL navy blue cashmere. Warm and comfortable, it is perfect over a light little dress. Elegant and without ostentation, like the actress Black Swan, a good coat you will follow years, without risking being out of date!

Look more for Kylie Minogue who is 42 years old dares the leather jacket and the panther print boots. A look a little late ado, and a neglected hairstyle, we say that Kylie Minogue did not think to be shot by the paparazzi!

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