April 26, 2024

10 ways to catch up with misses in the kitchen

To save the brioche or the bread
If you want to give a dry brioche a fluffy texture, wrap it in a damp tissue paper and place it in a warm oven for a few minutes. The brioche will take up pretty colors.

To make up for missed snow white
If your snow whites do not take, put a teaspoon of cold water in it or add a pinch of salt or baking soda food. This will have the effect of tightening the whites.

To make up for too much melted chocolate
When the chocolate is too melted, the fat contained in the chocolate dissociates. Pour some hot water and mix gently. The chocolate will become smooth again.

To catch a sticky rice
Never cook rice in cold water. Boil the water first with fat salt or broth. Then add the grains of rice in the pan.

If your rice is sticky when cooking, immerse in cold water, stirring well and drain. Then place it in a dish in the hot but off oven.
If your rice is still sticky, play on the glutinous aspect of rice by creating dumplings. Use breadcrumbs and brown them in the pan.

To avoid lumps
In the pancake batter or in the bechamel, the lumps are often obstinate. Use a small blender to thin the preparation or filter everything with a fine strainer.

To catch a mayonnaise
If your mayonnaise do not go up, pour a stream of slightly warm water and / or a little mustard in your preparation. If that does not work, place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and whip again. You can also add grains of salt end, or a few drops of vinegar or a yolk of egg while continuing to whip.


To catch up with a tired salad
The salad stayed in the fridge for too long. To make it look beautiful, let it soak for an hour in very fresh lemon water or a few minutes in warm, sweet water. Wring it out, leave it in the fridge for about 30 minutes.


To catch a dish too spicy or too salty
For a dish too spicy, can be diluted with a little coconut milk, cream, milk or yoghurt. Dairy products soften acidity.
For a salty dish, dip raw cut potatoes or bread with his crumb for 15 minutes so that they absorb the most salt possible. You can also add fresh cream to soften.


To catch a sauce too liquid
If your sauce is too liquid, add a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed in a glass of water.


To remove too much fat
If your preparation seems too oily, put it in the freezer. Once it begins to harden, you must be able to remove the visible fat. It's also smart to put ice cubes in the sauce and remove them immediately. The fat will have stuck to the ice cubes. Repeat as many times as necessary.

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