May 7, 2024

- 3 Kg in 1 week with Valérie Orsoni (day 2), my slimming recipe of Hummus

Here is a tasty and very healthy recipe that can be used to dip pita bread crisps or to replace butter on bread rolls.

The ingredients
? 1 can of chickpeas (In France it is about 265g drained net weight)
? The juice of half a lemon
? 3 tablespoons of olive oil
? 1 half teaspoon of tahini or tahini (also called dough or sesame cream) optional
? 1 clove of garlic
? Salt (but not so much because canned chickpeas already contain some)


1. Rinse chickpeas under running water.
2. Mix all the ingredients together until you obtain a puree without lumps. Some prefer it less fine. It's up to you!
3. Variations: you can vary the taste of this homemade hummus:
4. adding 2 teaspoons of cumin or adding 2 teaspoons of paprika
5. or adding some Paris mushrooms
6. or by not putting tahiné


Find all the tips thinness Valérie Orsoni on the website

Ramadan and Weight Loss (May 2024)