May 11, 2024

4 tips to resist the whims of your child

The "no it's no"
You make a decision, no need to go back on it. A "no, that's no" Remind him who decides and especially the reason for your refusal "no candy, too much caries" or "it's not time, we're going to dine", "no outings, you must first finish your homework " for example.


To anticipate
A whim in public is the specialty of our little ones. Another example before going to the supermarket, explain, calmly, to your child that there will be no toys and / or sweets.

Authority and firmness
A decision has been made, we must stick to it. The sweet eyes and the crying of your child you will feel guilty, but it is important not to give in and maintain your position. Do not hesitate to repeat your decision by looking him straight in the eye with authority.

Some parents yield to have peace, to be tranquil, and to compensate one caprice for another; you maintain your refusal but at the same time you buy him sweets. Thechild do not understand the meaning of your decisions and will renew its quirks.

The crises of your child can persist, he rolls on the ground, screams. Do not hit him, take him firmly in a corner without rushing him, catch his attention by looking him straight in the eyes.

Arm yourself with patience
And finally be patient, especially if your child is used to having the last word. He will probably start again until he understands your limits.

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