April 27, 2024

4 tips to store your fridge in a practical and eco-friendly way

Unpack, pack
So that bacteria do not grow in your refrigerator, remove all unnecessary packaging such as cardboard that covers yoghurt. Unpack all the foods in your packs and group them by family, taking care to wash and pack them, if necessary, to isolate food from each other.

Each food corresponds to a more or less cold area of ​​the fridge. Respect the needs of your products! At the top is the coldest zone (between 0 ° C and 4 ° C). place the leftovers (to be refrigerated within two hours after cooking) the poultry, the fish and the meat chopped. Below, store the meat raw, the meat cooked, sauces, cooked dishes and homemade soups. In the intermediate zone (between 4 ° C and 7 ° C), store the raw vegetables in sachets and pastries, butter, margarine, eggs, yogurts, cream, fresh cheeses, desserts dairy.

Lower down, in the bins vegetables, put the salad, the vegetables, the fruits and cheese packaged during ripening. In the compartments of the refrigerator door, store: bottles of water, juice fruits, milk and other drinks.

Sort by
Every week, remember to throw leftovers in the refrigerator. Check the expiry dates and get rid of old pots lying in the fridge!

Save energy
Before storing your groceries, spread out and store the products by family on the worktop. Open the fridge door only once so as not to disturb the cold chain. In addition, you will save time.

How to Freeze Food Without Plastic Video (April 2024)