May 7, 2024

Sport: What is self defense exactly?

here's one sport useful not only regarding my line thinness or my form physical but also my ability to defend myself alone!

Self defense aims to teach methods to anticipate situations at risk, understand their evolution, manage a latent conflict and defend themselves in case of aggression. This discipline is not only about learning how to protect yourself or a shot, but also and above all, how to avoid physical confrontation and if so, how to save your life!

The programs vary, but they should all include a theoretical phase concerning the psychological, attitude and self-image dimensions that are fundamental to addressing situations of violence, physical or verbal. Then, it is generally practical training via scenarios where one learns techniques according to the different kinds of aggression that one simulates: theft of bag, aggression in the street, racket ...
Self defense is a discipline that is not standardized or framed by diplomas: there is, for the moment, no federation of self defense, nor a State diploma as is the case for martial arts . It is therefore necessary to learn about the instructor.

"Today, to teach, you only need to be covered by insurance. Our trainers sometimes already have a State Diploma in a discipline, such as karate, but sometimes not. In the great diversity of self defense clubs we find former police officers, professors of fitness or martial arts, all of whom should have had a self-defense internship with organizations like ours, or specialists. You must not do anything. "explains Guy Mennereau, National Technical Director and founder of the national association of self defense ANSD
"Each federation of martial arts claims to be self defense and some have a self defense branch, but in karate, kicks are given, judo is taught projections ... These technical gestures are rarely useful if you are stuck in a bus or someone is attacking you from behind in a parking lot"He concludes.


The National Association of self defense provides courses for all year round, in different cities of France: //

What Is The Best Martial Art for Self Defense? • Martial Arts Journey (May 2024)