May 3, 2024

All about the street food phenomenon

Stop the received ideas! Fast food is not necessarily synonymous with "junk food". More and more people stop quickly at the corner of a street to buy a salty crepe for example. Fortunately, the range of dishes offered is very wide and allows us today to make balanced meals: sushi, soups, salads, wraps, canned pasta ... It's not just the hamburger which allows us to eat quickly while being full.
For information, street food represents 32.7 billion euros in 2011, an increase of 66% since 2004. The figures prove our addiction and our obligation to appropriate this culinary trend. Fortunately for us, there are dishes quality.
In addition, the street food phenomenon has the ability to make us travel by offering flavors from all over the world accessible to all: we think of English fish and chips, American hot dogs, Mexican tortillas, French ham and butter , Italian pasta, Japanese sushi ...
And by ensuring the choice of his meal, it is completely possible to eat the food necessary for our good dietary balance. Remember not to overuse sugary soft drinks to accompany your meal and for dessert choose fruit or yogurt. Your dish must contain between 500 and 800 calories and be composed of starchy foods, proteins and fibers as a priority.

Food Trucks - USA (May 2024)