April 26, 2024

Anti cellulite massage, the benefits of lymphatic drainage

What is it ?
Lymphatic drainage is a gentle technique of massage which stimulates the lymphatic system, thus promoting the elimination of waste and toxins in the body. It allows a real cleansing of the body by raising the circulation of the lymph.
In the body, the lymph is responsible for transporting nutrients and white blood cells to the cells. But this liquid also evacuates the waste produced by the body. All along its path, the lymph will pass into the lymph nodes (which are especially at the level of the crease of the groin, elbows, neck, behind the knees or under the armpits). Their mission? Filter and eliminate toxins.
But unlike blood, carried in the body through the heart that acts as a pump, the lymphatic system has no "motor". It can happen that the circulation of the lymph slows down, toxins stagnant then in the body. This accumulation is one of the causes of the appearance of the cellulite.
How it works ?
Unlike rolling palpation and sometimes painful pinching, lymphatic drainage is a massage quite soft. No need to insist since the lymphatic network is just under the skin.
With the palm of the hands flat or the fingertips, the skin is massaged in the direction of the lymphatic circulation, always from the bottom to the top. The movements must be wide and rhythmic, light pressure. Gently squeeze and move the skin in the direction of the nearest lymphatic gland and relax. The skin must then return to its place. The gesture is repeated about five times in the same area. These pumping can revive the lymphatic circulation and thus drain toxins that had accumulated.
The benefits
Excess fat is not the only culprit in the appearance of the cellulite. The first step that leads directly to the installation of the orange peel is even the slowing down of the lymphatic circulation. The poor drainage that it causes is at the origin of the phenomenon of water retention, precursor of the cellulite. The lymph is unable to properly remove water and toxins, so there will be traffic jams. This surplus of water combined with fat deposits will deform the tissues and give rise to cellulite.
By accelerating the lymphatic circulation, the lymphatic drainage will therefore tackle the water retention and consequently the cellulite. Better elimination of toxins and stagnant water in the body will automatically improve the appearance of the skin which will be smoother and more supple. The silhouette will also be remodeled. We will indeed deflate.



Lymph Massage Helps Reduce Swelling (April 2024)