July 1, 2024

Astrological Portrait of Aries

How does Aries behave
Volunteer and courageous, Aries is in a hurry, he speaks fast, walks fast, easily gets angry, but he has no grudge ...
It is a sign that is characterized by righteousness and generosity. Defender of the widow and the orphan, he knows how to take initiatives, he is a born leader. Politics attracts this revolutionary spirit, but it is too honest to succeed!
Health side
An energetic and enduring sign, Aries does not listen. Sign of excess (too much alcohol, cigarettes, etc.), he must play sports, but avoid motor sports where he would quickly put himself in danger ... An unfortunate passion can put K.O.! It can fall into a sudden depression that will result in a sudden lack of energy. Fragility on the teeth, sinusitis, facial neuralgia and fractures of all kinds ...
Heart side
Passionate, Aries is very generous with the loved one, but consistency is not his forte. He falls in love very quickly and sincerely and loves to collect conquests.
Business side
The professions of the medical or the sport can attract him, as the profession of lawyer or pilot. Aries can also be militant, syndicalist or be realized in public relations or journalism.
Some famous Rams: Baudelaire, Verlaine, Goya, Van Gogh, Lenin, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Celine Dion, Russell Crowe, Mariah Carey, John Elthon, Sarah Jessica Paker, Andy Garcia ...

Aries - A brief history of the zodiac archetypes (astrology) (July 2024)