April 29, 2024

Blended families: what is it?

What is a family recomposed? Is there a lot of families recomposed? Agnès de Viaris, a psychologist specializing in family issues, answers us.

For you, a stepfamily, what is it?

A family recomposed includes a couple of adults, married or not, and at least one child born of a previous union and possibly the children of the new union.

Can you give us some figures?

INSEE statistics, based on a home approach, indicate that one in ten children lives in family recomposed. In fact, the INSEE is based on the main residence. For example, a child living with his / her mother who does not have a declared spouse will be counted in the families single parents by INSEE, and not in families recomposed, even though his dad has remarried and has new children. So a child in family may not have more than one home when it will be assigned only a referral home.

On the other hand, the INSEE accounts correspond to an instantaneous vision, whereas the problems of a person are in the long term. For example, if a young person leaves the home of a family recomposed to settle, it disappears from the statistics of families recomposed. Yet he remains in this same family structure. In fact, many more than one in ten have already been family recomposed, are, or will be at some point in their lives.

Dr. Phil on blended families (April 2024)