May 15, 2024

Meat: which piece of beef for which dish?

Pieces of meat to grill or roast
They are often the most expensive at the time of purchase, but their quality is incomparable when the meat is of certified origin: filet and sirloin of course, but also rump, rib, bib, tab and entrecote are pieces of first choice. The net is the softest and least fat part of the egg. The tab is located under the false net and the net, at the level of the belly. The stem and the latter are considered as offal, but they are good for grilling. Cooking and dishes possible are varied: casserole, grill, oven, pan ... enough to develop a simple but tasty meal.

The pieces of meat to boil
Several pieces of beef are suitable for long cooking. Boiling or braising makes beef pieces softer, which are often harder and harder to cook when you buy them. We find among them the lodging, the tail, the bib, the collar, the chest, the cheek or the scoter. You probably already know them, since many dishes traditional French uses such as bourguignon beef, shepherd's pie, pot-au-feu or Flemish carbonade.

Pieces of meat for a stew
The collar, the big breast, the scoter, the dish slice and slice round are the most appropriate beef pieces for a stew. Enjoy your meal !

How to Cook Perfect Beef Stir Fry Every Time (May 2024)