May 15, 2024

Elise, 29: "He made me discover love ..."

" It was a few years ago. We were both animators in the colony. I hated her arrogant side, but I let myself be seduced by her extrovert side and her devastating smile. Our love platonic lasted a few days and we parted at the end of the colo, memories full head. He was of a very romantic nature and we had wonderful moments in a beautiful place. At the end of the summer, I traveled several hundred kilometers to see him two days at home. He made me discover his environment, his passions and we spent two days in a bubble where there was only us. He was touching, considerate, attentive, I made thelove for the first time when he was more experienced than me. We lived these moments intensely, because we knew we would not have more, the geographical distance was going to separate us. We phoned and wrote for several years, without ever confessing our feelings, even if there were signs that did not deceive. Then life went on, I changed my address and met my husband with whom I had my children. This story will remain etched forever in my memory, even if I am happy today, I will never forget the one who made me discover thelove. I thank him every day for being on my path that year. "

Elsie Balawing sings Perfect by Ed Sheeran | REACTION (May 2024)