April 26, 2024

Fatigue when you hold us!

When do we really talk about fatigue?
We talk about asthenia or fatigue when your usual dose of energy is no longer sufficient to cope with daily activities. When you are less resistant to a usual effort.
Too much physical effort, stress, uncontrolled diet, diet, excess alcohol, iron deficiency ... are all causes that can cause what is called reaction fatigue. No worries in this case, just make sure to review your lifestyle by sparing yourself, resting or finding a good food hygiene. Some periods in women are also conducive to fatigue: menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding ...
We must also distinguish what is called psychasthenia from depressionwhich is certainly of psychological origin, but which is in fact linked to an intellectual overwork. You feel more tired in the morning when you wake up than in the evening.

When to consult
You must consult your doctor when fatigue falls on you overnight without any explicit cause or when it lasts more than fifteen days, do not let go of the day, or even worsens over the hours and the rest remains ineffective. These forms of fatigue can be the harbinger of a disease. Do it faster than with fever, pain, transit problems, unusual sweating, coughing, or weight loss.
After questioning and examining the patient, the doctor will look for a possible infection by prescribing a blood test that he will complete if necessary by further examinations such as radiology, ultrasound or others.
Persistent fatigue can completely hide a heavier pathology such as thyroid problems, depression, viral hepatitis, cancer or tuberculosis.

There is no a miraculous recipe. At first, it is already important to find a healthy lifestyle by perhaps reviewing your eating habits and sleep. Often this is enough to replenish energy. You can take vitamins, trace elements or even nutritional compliments to strengthen your immune system. Magnesium, prescribed in cure of six weeks, remains very effective. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.
Exercise reasonably, too sedentary life is a source of fatigue.
Psychological support can sometimes be advised.

With the collaboration of Dr. Christian De Langhe, general practitioner in Boulogne-Billancourt

Lauv & Troye Sivan - i'm so tired... [Official Audio] (April 2024)