April 26, 2024

Fears of pregnancy: I'm afraid of being a bad mom

Chloe, mother of Margot, 3 months: "Ask all your questions to the midwife at the hospital, she will show you how to give the bath, the baby bottle, how to change your baby. If you do not understand everything, do not hesitate to ask him again explanations, they are there for that. I can tell you that it reassured me a lot ... "

Brigitte, mother of Leon 1 year: "I was convinced that I will never get out of it, yet when Leon arrived, everything seemed easy, instinctive ... And finally even if I was not perfect, I I still did it with my baby boy! "

Claire, Antoine's mom, 2 months: "I was so anxious that I went to see a psychologist and he reassured me that it was perfectly normal to be afraid. says that asking questions proves that we will be a good mom ".

Candice, mother of Julien, 2 years old: "I talked about my apprehensions to my best friends, I realized that they had the same fears, suddenly, I felt less alone. it feels good to talk to your loved ones.

Claudia, mother of Emilien, 18 months: "I was dead worry, so I bought all the books of young moms, it helped me a lot".

Marie-Claire, Joe's mom, 2 years old: "I thought I would never be able to wash, dress, feed her, I enrolled in classes. baby to learn all the right things and now I'm doing like a leader! "

11 Signs You’re Finally Ready to Have a Kid (April 2024)