July 4, 2024

Food for 0-3 years: one third of children eat poorly and in front of a screen

How are our babies fed? Here is the question asked by the French Union of Foods for Children. Overall, toddlers (less than a year) are rather well fed in France in 2013. But the results of the study are rather worrying for the older ones. Nearly one third of children between one and three years old are eating in front of a screen. This way of apprehending the meal would make them absorb more food.


After one year of their child, the parents do not really adapt anymore.food at their age. The little ones join the family table and share the same meals ... including when it comes to junk food. Hamburgers, prepared meals or sodas make their appearance from an early age. About a third of children over the age of one eat fries at least once a week. Consuming such products greatly increases the intake of protein, salt and sugar.


Eating habits are built at an early age


Dr Alain Bocquet, Pediatrician and Head of the AFPA Nutrition Group commented on these findings: "the quality of thefood of the child during his first three years is of paramount importance for his health as an adult in the making. "Indeed, he explains that" it is between 6 months and 3 years that is built the food palette of the toddler, his good habits and tastes for foods that are neither too sweet nor too salty ".


This investigation also reveals other facts about thefood children. We discover that in 86% of cases, it is still the mother who feeds most of the young. Mothers who breastfeed go in 32% of cases give growth milk to their baby from 0 to 3 years, against 25% of women who have never breastfed.


Find our file on the feeding of the little ones here.

Evine After Dark: 5.11 - Live Broadcast (July 2024)