July 4, 2024

Good gestures if baby has fever

As soon as your little one has a fever, you fear a disease severe or an infection. Yet there is often no need to worry! A fever can be caused by a dental flare or a cold and wanting to chase it at any price is not necessarily the best solution. Attention, the received ideas are legions with regard to baby and the fever. The priority: relieve baby.
Avoid covering too much baby. Getting out the covers is a bad reflex. The temperature of his room should not exceed 19 ° and the room must be well ventilated to allow the air to circulate and avoid a proliferation of microbes.
Beware of the warm bath or the cool to bring down the temperature. If the temperature of the bath water is lower than that of the baby's body, it will not necessarily lower the fever. If he cries in contact with the water and does not seem to like it, take him out of the bath. Same thing for cold water compresses on the forehead that could create a feeling of discomfort in baby.
Give him medicine to lower the fever only if the fever exceeds 38.5 °. Remember that in babies, fever rises and falls without warning and it is not uncommon to have fever spikes at 40 °. Anti-fever (or anti-thermal) are only effective for a few hours.
Moisturize baby by making him drink very often. Indeed, he may suffer from dehydration caused by the effects of sweating. You can opt for sugar water, fruit juice or broth.

Watch for fever. If symptoms persist, consult a pediatrician. A fever that lasts more than four days can hide a urinary tract infection and if pimples appear, it may be an infant rash that, if left untreated, can cause seizures.

Take its temperature in the morning or late afternoon. If your baby's forehead is warm, it does not necessarily mean he has a fever. Prefer to use a thermometer and avoid taking the temperature just after meals. Wait until the end of digestion and avoid stressing baby by placing the thermometer.
Ask yourself the right questions : Is baby nervous? Has he lost his appetite, does he normally get it, does his skin have redness or rash? Does baby have cough? Do not hesitate to note the temperature variations. All these elements will be useful for both you and the pediatrician.
If you are not reassured, you may find answers that can guide you on the specialized site A serious tool that lists the most frequent questions asked by Internet users and publishes information and advice written by doctors registered with the Council of the French Medical Association. Be careful, the site does not replace a visit to the doctor but can reassure a young mother anxiously struggling to interpret the baby's symptoms. Teleconitors are there to provide details on the degree of medical emergency. It is planned that this system will be deployed on the interactive terminals of pharmacies and in the centers. CPAM.

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