July 4, 2024

Herbal medicine

The use of plants for healing is a long-standing tradition. At the end of the XIXe In the last century, France has developed its chemical industry and medicine has turned away from herbal medicine because synthetic drugs are much simpler to use.

What are the herbal medicines made of? The drugs are based solely on plants, which processes such as extraction, grinding, balms, alcoholic tinctures, macerates and herbal teas ... can draw all the healing powers. The plants can be used in the fresh state, in salad for example. Herbal teas make drinking and mother tinctures are effective for acute cases.

Caution, some precautions should be taken with herbal medicine. Some plants are powerful or even toxic. It would be wrong to think that because drugs are plants, they are safe. Cultivation is also regulated in France and subject to processes that ensure that plants grow on unpolluted soil and are stored in optimal conditions so as not to alter the therapeutic effects. It is therefore essential to respect the dosage recommended by the herbal therapist and not to mix chemical drugs and plants without medical advice because the action of one may conflict with the other.

Our advice
Some plants are freely available but it is advisable to always take the advice of a specialist to heal well by plants: herbalists and herbalists know the dosages, side effects and interaction of plants between them.

Building Your Home Herbal Medicine Cabinet with Amy Hamilton (July 2024)