April 26, 2024

How to explain the lack of libido?

Women's low or no libido can occur at any age, in many circumstances, and can last for a few weeks or in the long term. Every woman has a sexual rhythm with multiple elements: her couple life, his stress level at home or at work, his worries, his biological clock ...

No miracle recipe for keeping your sex drive at peak throughout your life, every moment! And thankfully ... Let's keep a space to dare to be us, accept that our body is not always performing well and talk to our potential partner about our moods and appetites.

Libido is linked to desire : desire the other, desire narcissistic, desire to be admired, heard. A desire may fall due to misunderstanding, an argument, a worry, stress. It is difficult sometimes to jump in his corset when leaving the supermarket and after facing 45 minutes of traffic jams!

The desire needs space: the passional fusion has only one time; it is essential to set up zones just for oneself, to feel the lack of the other, not to pierce all its mysteries and to preserve ours, to know how to be surprised and to surprise. Often a disruption in life or a change - even positive, such as the arrival of a child - results in a decline in desire. In this case, the couple must not let their sex life go out on pain of having trouble finding their way to each other.

Libido is also related to health. No need for a serious illness so that the libido is at half mast. A cold, gynecological pain, discomfort and you contract. The apprehension of pain can cause fear and bring down the desire. If you have pain or gynecological discomfort, do not let them hang out. Adjust them as soon as possible because they never manage themselves.

And your partner can understand that you are indisposed but if you do not put energy to fix the situation, it could decipher your lightness as a lack of interest in your sex life.

Libido is linked to the partner and the relationship you have with him. Do you feel close enough? Listened? Caressed? It is good, if you consult, to ask your partner to come with you. It is sometimes easier to explain to someone else the concern you have in mind.

However, put the delicacy because it is useless to accuse him in public of your decline in desire ! Since libido in the couple is largely a matter of communication and harmony, consider the two parties who need to engage in dialogue.

Can we refuse long sex with her spouse?
The question is in all the heads of women: after how long will it go elsewhere? Will he blame me? Etc. Without panicking, it is essential to never allow a "crisis" situation to set in as an everyday rhythm. The more the sexual relations are spaced, the more your libido will be extinguished.

As much as it is not advisable to force oneself, because the authenticity in a couple remains the best guarantee of its solidity, as much you must implement a plan: romantic dinners head-to-head, appointment of beauty, pretty lingerie ... If you feel desirable, it will help you feel so desired. Eventually, visit a sexologist if you feel the need.
Our advice
If the loss of libido can be caused by a relationship problem, it is within yourself that you must find a solution. The desire Sexuality is personal and puts into action your own imagination, your sexuality, your eroticism.

Reclaiming Female Sexual Desire | Pam Costa | TEDxPaloAlto (April 2024)