May 3, 2024

How to overcome your fear of childbirth?

ThedeliveryEven though it is "natural" and women have been bringing babies into the world since the dawn of time, it is a wonderful event, but it is always accompanied by fears.

The anxieties usually focus on very specific areas: fear of giving birth prematurely, fear of complications, fear that the baby is suffering, fear that the baby does not please you, fear of not being able to love it, afraid to suffer oneself , afraid of the epidural, afraid that the plan ofdelivery established with the midwife is not followed ... It probably will not be, by the way! Because a birth is a unique event.

You had a medical follow-up throughout your pregnancy and there is every chance that your gynecologist-obstetrician chose with you the best way to give birth: with or without epidural, caesarean scheduled if necessary, hospital if complications may to occur. In short, the medical team is in place, expert, and already knows you.

The fear of arriving too late Maternity is one of the most common fears among moms of a first baby. To give birth in the taxi, in the elevator or in the car occurs very rarely. Often, doctors send home moms who rush too quickly to motherhood. You are much better at home, quiet, to start work. Your suitcase is ready, your companion can be called and return in half an hour to accompany you or join you at the maternity, you have the phone of the maternity on hand to warn of your arrival and possibly to check with them that the moment has come...

Technically, you can wait until your contractions occur every 5 minutes for two hours before coming. And, trust, you will know how to recognize these contractions. It is good to remember also that the work for a first baby lasts an average of 10 hours. That gives you a good margin to reach motherhood on time.

The fear of not knowing how to love your baby is a fear that psychologists explain by the gap between the child you dreamed for nine months and the baby that will be put in your arms. It is common for moms to experience a difficult time after a delivery : the fatigue of thedelivery and first nights interrupted by feedings, babies with skulls a little deformed by birth, a little stranger who cries without the mother's understanding why, the peaks of hormones in madness, etc.

This is called the baby blues that can even turn into depression. The whole thing is not to isolate oneself, to open up one's worries to midwives and to know that it exists in order not to feel guilty. Your baby will soon become your baby: the more he awakens to life, the more you will communicate with him and the more you will marvel at his rapid progress.
Our advice
Preparation fordelivery is a key step to live thedelivery as serenely as possible. We are always afraid of what is unknown. Breathing techniques, role of the father, discussions on his fears ... all aspects of apprehension can be addressed by expert women but also by pregnant women, like you, their first baby.

4 Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Birth (May 2024)