April 26, 2024

Hypersensitive child: our 10 tips to help you!

1 / Give him affection ! Often a too sensitive child is afraid of not being loved by his parents, to be abandoned. Maybe your child is trying to catch your attention unconsciously? He therefore needs more than other children to be secure and loved!

2 / Respect the fear of the child!Reassure him briefly with calm. You must respect your feelings by avoiding over-comforting or over-protecting yourself, as this may give you the message that you are right to be afraid. Encourage the child to take risks. Praise him if he does it. Also try to never show your own fears to your child.
3 / Dedramate! Imagine that your child is traumatized because his mistress has scolded him. Ask him what exactly happened, what he felt. Make him understand, for example, that it is not because we scold him that we do not love him anymore!

4 / Have him do theater! Many hypersensitive children feel better after the theater because on a stage, they can express emotions, get into the skin of other characters. The theater will also allow them to facilitate their exchanges with others!
5 / Have him listen to classical music. Opera is a good way to release your hypersensitivity. At home, you can introduce him to the opera, explaining to him what you feel.

6 / Take a dog! Many child psychiatrists agree that a dog is often a good solution. Because the child will have a role, a responsibility towards this animal, he will have to learn to overcome his own fears.

7 / Be tolerant with your child. It is not worth it to judge him, to make him feel guilty, to tell him that he is too fragile. Remember, your child has no control over his emotions. It may cause him a feeling of injustice!

8 / Watch his TV programs! Often hypersensitive children are more receptive than others to violent images on television, it is important to monitor their programs carefully to avoid possible shocks, or recurring nightmares ...

9 / Help! Tell your child that hypersensitivity is also a quality! Behind this great sensitivity lies another sensitivity to arts and letters. They can become artists, but also doctors, nurses, architects ... because they have the power to put themselves in the place of others!

10 / Use a child psychiatrist. Sometimes it takes just a few sessions to help a hypersensitive child. The child psychiatrist will be more competent and above all may be more patient to listen to your child. Your child will also feel may be more free to talk!

10 tips for parenting highly sensitive children (HSP) (April 2024)