April 29, 2024

I tested the Cx Worx, flat belly sport

What's this ?
This new activity, which has been installed exclusively at Club Med Gym since the beginning of the year, targets the muscles of the center of the body in thirty minutes. This is where it gets its name: the "C" refers to "core" which means bust in English, the "X" refers to exercises and the Worx is a derivative of "work" for work ". This novelty was created by Les Mills, designers of fitness.

The lesson
Carpet, elastic, weight: the course taking place with accessories, we install the decor before starting. Then warm up, which starts on the hubcaps. With a course of only 30 minutes, there is no time to lose and we go to the basics. Lying on my back, legs bent, I lift one foot and then the other. Right away, I feel that the abs are solicited. We enter directly into the heart of the subject. Quickly, I do not know any more if I'm still in the warm-up or if we have already spent the course in itself because we continue the exercises without that I have time to say phew. Hardly my series of crunches revisited with a weight between the hands (which complicates even more the lifting of the bust) finished, I am already standing to do squats, always weighted with my weight. As I drop, soliciting glutes and thighs, I must also raise my arms. And if the first time I assure without problem, the weight lifting ends up to make my heart rate skyrocket. I see live that the Cx Worx combines muscle building and cardio.

I welcome the end of these series with joy. But I do not have time to rest on my laurels. Here I am again on the ground for sheathing exercises. In "Pumps" position, hold as long as possible by tightening the abs and buttocks. It shoots everywhere. I would definitely go to bed but it's time to get up for a series of slits on the side using the elastic band. Then I go back for a series of exercises alternating sheathing and work of balance before delivery: the final stretch. I look at the watch in the room and I see that the half hour has already gone without me noticing.

Who is it for ?
The Cx Worx is ideal if you want to get rid of your little can and find a flat belly to parade without complex on the beach in jersey. But this new course is not just about abs. If it allows to refine the size and remuscle belly, it also makes work the glutes, the thighs, the hips and the arms.


Full Body Workout With Resistance Band - Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners (April 2024)