June 30, 2024

Jessica Szohr and her Charleston beauty look in Los Angeles

Best known for her role in the girly series "Gossip Girl", under the name of Vanessa Abrams, the actress Jessica Szohr has remained, rather recently, rather discreet. Rare appearances on red carpet and few new movies, the pretty brunette almost seemed to have disappeared. But fans can rejoice! Jessica is (finally) back. The beautiful will soon be showing the movie "The Internship". The world premiere was held Wednesday night in Los Angeles. And our dear Jessica was, of course, present. The latter has even illuminated the red carpet unrolled for the occasion. Little black dress with white sequins, chain sleeves, and square wavy sexy, the young woman of 28 years had opted for a Charleston look here.

An ultra-trendy hairstyle
Wow! This square wavy vague, with wide waves, is unanimous within the editorial staff. We love: his tie and dye subtle, with dark caramel tips, in total contrast with his hair a black raven. The demarcation here is light and natural, for a perfect rendering. Ladies and ladies, if you are brown, do not hesitate to copy this version of the tie and dye, to be trendy this summer. Jessica Szhor realizes a real faultless, hairstyle, with a cut of hair trend, sexy and aerial. To copy without hesitation!

A perfect make-up
After making a cardboard, hairdressing side, Jessica won once again, all votes, with a make-up at once bright and dark. If, if possible, and the American actress proves it, in pictures. The pretty brunette had indeed underlined her pearly gray eyes, a smoky smoky, illuminated by a few touches of eyeshadow a metallic gray, applied flush with the lower lashes, and in the inner corner of the eye. She avoids darkening her eyes and wakes up the glow of her eyes. Jessica Szhor had then made up her lips with a glossy pink gloss.

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