April 27, 2024

José Garcia in Pars quickly and come back late

The synopsis of the film
Commissioner Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg does not like Spring. He is wary of rising sap, desires for escape, the surge of impulses, all these signals that sound the return of sunny days ...
And he is right Adamsberg ... His fiancee, Camille, is the trunk, and his absence cuts the wings of the Commissioner, when he needs it most: something has just fallen on the capital, an enigma carrying a curse, which could turn into misfortune if it is not solved. Strange signals are spreading over the doors of the Parisian buildings, and disturbing, mysterious words are dropped at the auction in the public square. ..
And then what Adamberg feared was a first death, the body blackened, his face frozen in a grimace of terror, the signs of the plague ... And that was what the enigma announced, the return of the terrible flail, but with a hell of a variation, it seems that someone controls the disease and the door where he wants ...

José Garcia returns to his interpretation.

Did you know the novels of Fred Vargas when you were offered "Leave fast and come back late"?
José Garcia : No. I had of course heard about it but I had not read any. When Régis suggested to me "Leave fast and come back late", I was hooked by the title. I did not understand its meaning, I found it very intriguing, very seductive. As soon as I read the script, I loved the atmosphere that emanated from it even though it is obvious that the atmosphere is one of the most difficult things to transpose to the cinema. Then I found the original story, singular, with this little esoteric side, this almost baroque universe. But above all, what was great, it was the characters. And I found all that in the novels of Fred Vargas when I read them.

For fans of Fred Vargas, Adamsberg is a cult character. Have you felt some kind of responsibility towards these readers?
José Garcia : I know that I have a huge weight on my shoulders! I have already played in films that were adaptations of novel ("The Bites of Dawn", Tonino Benaquista, "Extension of the field of struggle" Michel Houellebecq, "The chopper" Donald Westlake), but never, I had so many reactions even before the start of the shoot! I kept meeting people who said to me, "Ah, are you Adamsberg?" There is just the tone that varies according to who asked the question. It ranged from astonishment to satisfaction. There were also those I felt a little jealous - I understand them! - and those who were happy for me. In any case, I felt the pressure. So I know that I have a great responsibility and, at the same time, I also know that I have the absolute obligation not to cling to a literary idea otherwise I am dead! A movie is not a book. The adaptation must be faithful to the spirit, but without ever forgetting the codes and rules of the cinema - otherwise we get lost, and we lose the audience. The cinema, especially a thriller like this, is necessarily a compromise between an author's imagination and reality. I also had to care about people who do not know Adamsberg and have not read the novels of Vargas.

You have a reputation for working a lot in your roles. What specific preparation did you do for "Leave fast and come back late"?
José Garcia : Already, to get as close as possible to Adamsberg, I am impregnated books that he is the hero, including "The man with blue circles", where he appears for the first time ... And then, what was interesting, always in this perspective of sticking to the reality of the cinema and even to reality in short, it was to make sure that, beyond the romantic aspect and the history, the gestures and the situations sound right. That's why we met the police officers of Commander Baudot's criminal brigade. We saw how they worked, how they intervened, what was regulatory, what was not. Until the details.Like, for example, being dressed to the nines and wearing a tie: when they are on duty, they can be brought in the day to go see the minister or an ambassador ...

Why is Michel Serrault, in your opinion, a good Decambrais?
José Garcia When Adamsberg meets Decambrais, he sees a guy who has lived, whose wounds are felt and yet who is totally involved in this affair, and that is what makes him endearing. And immediately, Decambrais pleases him. It's the same with Serrault. We feel that he has the same wounds, the same fragility. This same mix of seduction, determination and vulnerability ...

Did you know Marie Gillain?
José Garcia : No ! She is a good comrade, lively, generous, talented, pleasant to play, to work, to live ... Like all, on this shoot ... There is also the young Nicolas Cazalé. Very nice kid, but not playing absolutely on his physique. He has beautiful scenes of intensity and emotion. I believe that in a long time it will hurt! And then, of course, there is Olivier (Gourmet). I was surprised to see him as slim. He has not lost anything of his inner strength. With this kind of gaze from afar, this way of being always a little sullen, he has only to open his mouth for something to happen. He is fantastic. At one point he had scheduling problems, and we really prayed with Regis to find arrangements. There was no other crier possible. And he, too, is a great playmate.


GirlsFromMainStreet's review of "Leave fast and come back late"

Let's start with the many qualities of the writer Fred Vargas : erudite, her ideas are original, her skillful pen, she knows how to handle the suspense with consistency and lightness, and her characters are unique and well portrayed. Adapting one of his successes could as much give a great film as a failure. Because it is works that must not be spoiled. Fortunately, the bet was successful.
Notably thanks to five screenwriters, including Julien Rappeneau and Ariane Fert. The latter had to make painful cuts in the least useful passages (and, as any reader will tell you, there were not many), but have kept all the complexity and movements of the plot. In addition, director Régis Wargnier has managed to recreate the special atmosphere of the book, helped by a cast of choice: José Garcia, Olivier Gourmet, Lucas Belvaux, among others ...

Production : Regis Wargnier
Scenario: Julien Rappeneau, Ariane Fert, Harriet Marin, Lawrence Shore, Régis Wargnier
Actors: Marie Gillain, José Garcia, Michel Serrault, Olivier Gourmet, Lucas Belvaux, Nicolas Cazale, Linh Dan Pham
Exit : January 24, 2007

Forensic Files - Season 11, Ep 32: Critical Maneuver (April 2024)