April 29, 2024

Kate Winslet: Titanic before after, the revolution of British beauty

His little sentence on Titanic's b.o made the buzz all weekend: Kate Winslet wants to throw up when she hears the song of Celine Dion who made the "booms" of today's tenten goods. Since her 22 years, the British actress has had time to overcome the deafening success of Titanic, abandoning behind her the character of Rose Dewitt Bukater without being stifled.

Of course, the release of Titanic 3B to mark the 100 years of the sinking is an opportunity for a record for the protagonists. Apart from the small remarks detached from the actors, a little game of before after makes it possible to note that, for Kate Winslet, the years brought him maturity beauty!

Back on the red carpet for the premiere of Titanic 3D, the co-star of Leonardo DiCaprio radiates an affirmed class. Blondeur, diaphanous complexion, lipstick delicate, scultpated body, haircut retro ... Kate Winslet, 36, proves that twenties is not necessarily the best age.

Kate Winslet | Titanic | Transformation From 5 To 42 Years Old (April 2024)