July 1, 2024

Mum's do-it-all kitchen hacks

Being a mum means having to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities, often leaving little time for anything else. One area where mums truly excel is in the kitchen, where they have developed a wealth of time-saving and innovative hacks to make their lives easier. From reusing leftovers to creating quick and delicious meals, mums have mastered the art of efficiency in the kitchen.

One of the most popular mum's kitchen hacks is the concept of meal prepping. By dedicating a set time each week to plan and prepare meals in advance, mums can save both time and money. They can chop and portion out ingredients for multiple meals, making it easier to throw together a quick and nutritious dinner during those hectic weeknights.

Mums are also experts at repurposing leftovers. Instead of letting food go to waste, they find creative ways to transform yesterday's dinner into a completely new and exciting dish. Leftover chicken can become a delicious stir-fry, and mashed potatoes can be turned into tasty potato pancakes. With their resourcefulness, mums ensure that every ingredient is put to good use.

Another kitchen hack that mums swear by is the use of versatile ingredients. By keeping a well-stocked pantry, mums can easily whip up a variety of meals without having to make last-minute trips to the grocery store. Items like canned beans, pasta, and rice can be transformed into numerous dishes, providing endless options for quick and easy meals. This saves both time and money, allowing mums to focus on other important tasks.

In conclusion, mums have developed a range of kitchen hacks that help them navigate the demands of daily life. Whether it's meal prepping, repurposing leftovers, or utilizing versatile ingredients, mums have mastered the art of efficiency in the kitchen. Their resourcefulness and creativity allow them to create delicious meals while saving time and money. So next time you're in need of some kitchen inspiration, look no further than the mums who have tried and tested these time-saving hacks.

Simplify your cooking routine

1. Meal planning

One of the best ways to simplify your cooking routine is by planning your meals in advance. Take some time each week to plan out your meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This will not only save you time and energy, but also ensure that you have all the ingredients you need on hand.

2. Prep ahead

Another great way to simplify your cooking routine is by prepping ingredients ahead of time. Chop vegetables, marinate meats, and make sauces or dressings in advance. This way, when it comes time to cook, you'll have everything ready to go and can simply focus on putting the dish together.

3. One-pot or one-pan meals

Opting for one-pot or one-pan meals can also simplify your cooking routine. These types of meals require less cleanup and often involve throwing all the ingredients into one pot or pan and letting them cook together. This not only saves you time, but also reduces the number of dishes you need to wash.

4. Use kitchen gadgets

Make use of kitchen gadgets to simplify your cooking routine. Invest in a slow cooker or pressure cooker to make hands-off meals that require minimal effort. Use a food processor or blender to quickly chop or puree ingredients. These gadgets can save you time and make cooking more efficient.

5. Go for simple recipes

Simplify your cooking routine by choosing simple recipes. Look for recipes with fewer ingredients and straightforward instructions. This will not only save you time and effort, but also make it easier for you to experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

6. Cook in batches

Cooking in batches is another great way to simplify your cooking routine. Whenever you're cooking a meal, consider making extra servings to store in the refrigerator or freezer for later. This way, you'll always have a ready-made meal or ingredient on hand when you're short on time.

By implementing these strategies, you can simplify your cooking routine and make meal preparation more enjoyable and efficient. Whether you're a busy mom or simply someone looking to save time in the kitchen, these tips will help you streamline your cooking process.

Save time with clever meal prep tips

Meal prepping can be a lifesaver for busy mums who are always on the go. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can save a lot of time in the kitchen and have meals ready to go for the whole week. Here are some clever meal prep tips to help you save time:

1. Plan your meals in advance

Before you start prepping, take some time to plan out your meals for the week. Decide what dishes you want to make and make a grocery list. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you have all the ingredients you need.

2. Prep ingredients in bulk

Instead of prepping individual meals, try prepping ingredients in bulk. Chop vegetables, marinate meats, and portion out ingredients that can be used in multiple dishes. This saves time during the week as you can simply grab and go.

3. Use multitasking appliances

Invest in multitasking appliances like a slow cooker or Instant Pot. These devices can save you a lot of time and effort in the kitchen. You can set them up in the morning with all the ingredients and come home to a delicious cooked meal in the evening.

4. Freeze meals for later

If you have some extra time, consider making double batches of certain meals and freezing them for later. This way, you can have ready-made meals on hand for those days when you don't have time to cook.

5. Utilize the power of leftovers

Don't let leftovers go to waste. Use them creatively to create new meals. For example, leftover roasted chicken can be shredded and used in salads, wraps, or soups.

Meal prepping doesn't have to be a time-consuming task. With these clever tips, you can save time in the kitchen and have delicious meals ready to go throughout the week.

Organize your pantry like a pro

Keeping your pantry organized is key to a smooth and efficient cooking experience. With these helpful tips, you can transform your pantry into a well-organized and functional space.

1. Categorize your items

Start by sorting your pantry items into categories. This could include grouping together canned goods, grains and pasta, snacks, condiments, and baking supplies. Keeping similar items together makes it easier to find what you need.

2. Use clear containers

Invest in clear containers to store dry goods like flour, sugar, and rice. This not only keeps your pantry looking tidy, but it also allows you to easily see when you're running low on a particular item. Be sure to label each container to avoid any confusion.

3. Utilize vertical space

Make the most of your pantry's vertical space by using stackable shelves or adding hooks to hang small tools or utensils. This will help maximize storage space and keep everything within reach.

4. Install wire racks

Consider installing wire racks on the pantry door or inside the pantry walls. This provides additional storage space for spices, small cans, and other items that may be difficult to fit on regular shelves.

5. Keep a shopping list

Designate a space in your pantry for a shopping list or use a whiteboard to keep track of items you need to restock. This will help you stay organized and ensure you never run out of essential ingredients.

6. Rotate your stock

To prevent food from going bad, make it a habit to rotate your pantry stock. Place newly purchased items at the back and bring older items to the front. This will help you avoid any wastage and ensure that you always use the oldest items first.

By implementing these pantry organization hacks, you can create a well-structured and efficient space that will make cooking and meal planning a breeze. Happy organizing!

Get creative with leftovers

One of the most practical kitchen hacks is finding new and creative ways to use leftovers. Instead of letting food go to waste, consider repurposing it into a delicious new dish. Not only does this help reduce food waste, but it also saves you money by making the most of what you already have.

One popular option is to make a savory pie using leftover meat and vegetables. Simply chop up any leftover cooked chicken, beef, or pork, and mix it with a selection of vegetables like carrots, peas, and onions. Toss everything in a savory sauce and place it in a pie crust. Bake until golden brown and you have a hearty and flavorful pie ready to serve.

Another idea is to create a "clean out the fridge" stir-fry. Take any leftover vegetables, such as bell peppers, broccoli, and mushrooms, and toss them in a hot skillet with some cooked rice or noodles. Add in any leftover meat, like sliced steak or shrimp, and season with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. Stir-fry until everything is heated through and you have a quick and tasty meal.

If you have leftover bread, don't throw it away! Transform it into homemade croutons or bread crumbs. Simply cube the bread and toss it in a mixture of melted butter, garlic powder, and dried herbs. Spread the cubes on a baking sheet and bake until crispy. These homemade croutons are perfect for soups and salads, while the bread crumbs can be used as a topping for casseroles or as a binder in meatballs.

Lastly, don't forget about the power of a good leftover sandwich. Take any leftover meat, cheese, and veggies, and layer them between two slices of bread. Add a spread of mayo or mustard, and you have a quick and satisfying meal. Play around with different combinations to create your own unique and delicious sandwiches.

With a little creativity and a willingness to experiment, you can turn your leftovers into a culinary masterpiece. So next time you find yourself with leftover food, don't let it go to waste – get creative in the kitchen and enjoy a new and exciting meal!

Clean and maintain your kitchen easily

Keeping your kitchen clean and organized can feel like a never-ending task. But with these easy kitchen hacks, you can simplify the process and keep your kitchen looking spotless.

Create a cleaning routine

One of the best ways to maintain a clean kitchen is to establish a cleaning routine. Set aside specific days and times for different cleaning tasks, such as wiping down surfaces, cleaning appliances, and organizing cabinets. By sticking to a schedule, you can ensure that your kitchen stays clean and you don't feel overwhelmed by the task.

Use vinegar for cleaning

Vinegar is a versatile ingredient that can be used to clean various surfaces in your kitchen. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water to create a natural cleaning solution. Use it to clean countertops, microwave, refrigerator, and other kitchen appliances. Vinegar is effective in removing grease and stains, leaving your surfaces sparkling clean.

Organize your cabinets and drawers

An organized kitchen makes it easier to find the items you need and helps keep your space tidy. Consider using drawer dividers and shelf organizers to maximize storage space in your cabinets. Group similar items together and label containers to easily locate ingredients and utensils. Regularly declutter and get rid of unused or expired items to maintain an organized kitchen.

Keep a checklist of maintenance tasks

To ensure that your kitchen is properly maintained, create a checklist of regular maintenance tasks. This can include things like checking and replacing the refrigerator filter, cleaning out the oven, and descaling the coffee machine. By following a checklist, you can stay on top of maintenance tasks and avoid the need for costly repairs or replacements.

Don't forget about the small details

While it's important to focus on the big cleaning tasks, don't forget about the small details that can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your kitchen. Wipe down light switches, cabinet handles, and faucets regularly to remove fingerprints and buildup. Sweep and mop the floors to keep them looking clean and shiny.

By following these simple kitchen hacks, you can clean and maintain your kitchen easily, ensuring that it remains a functional and inviting space for cooking and spending time with your family.

Me vs Grandma Cooking Challenge | Awesome Kitchen Hacks by Multi DO Challenge (July 2024)