July 4, 2024

Muscle building without moving from home: fitness books

Gym Sofa, Doris Burger, Editions Vigot, Vitality & Harmony Collection, 7.50?
Make gym comfortably seated in his sofa, we did not even dare to think about it. It's possible today thanks to this little book compiling exercises of fitness easy and fast, slimming tips and simple and economical recipes for dietary nibbling. We choose among the different illustrated exercises proposed according to our desires and our needs: tone your body, remodel your buttocks, strengthen your arms, overcome his little can ... There are sometimes several variants to adapt to the level of each. We concoct our small program of sport, which can be done in front of the TV, during the pubs or musical broadcasts or the remote control by hand.


Coaching flat stomach and thin waist, Julie Ferrez-Imperiali, Editions Leduc.S, 16,90?.
To have a star body, we adopt the method of Julie Ferrez-Imperiali, the famous sports coach, who trains including Carla Bruni. In this book, she offers us a complete program, combining dietary advice and sportto find a flat and muscular belly, to refine its size and strengthen its perineum. The proposed exercises are very easy to reproduce at home, thanks to illustrations. Combining Eastern and Western techniques, they focus on Swiss Ball, which allows you to work softly and playfully.


96 exercises with a balloon, Elisabeth Gillis, Marabout Editions, Collection Marabout Pratique, 7,90?
For the fans of Swiss Ball, this book presents 96 traditional exercises or inspired by yoga and Pilates to do on this balloon. gym. An easy and fun program for beginners or seasoned athletes. You alternate exercises while standing, sitting, lying on your back or stomach or equipped with dumbbells to work on the entire body. The book also offers individualized programs and advice not to go blind.


Yoga Pilates, Christine Wolff, Vigot Editions, Energy and Serenity Collection, 22?
The combination of the practice of yoga and Pilates helps firm up his figure while improving its flexibility and posture. This book allows to discover or deepen the knowledge of its two complementary disciplines. It is also sold with a DVD in which a teacher teaches us different asanas (yoga positions) and Pilates exercises.


Sport Be effective, Lydie Raisin, Editions Leduc.S, 14,90?.
The danger when doing sport at home alone, it is to do bad exercises and thus get no results, with the risk in addition to getting hurt. To be sure to practice correctly, we follow the advice of this book written by a state-certified sports coach and author of many books on the subject. Muscle her arms, firm her abs, refine her waist, sculpt her buttocks: for each part of the body and each exercise to work, Lydia Raisin explains the actions to be done and not to do, all illustrated with precise and detailed drawings . The essential book to work effectively and not to risk getting hurt.

Fitness Books That You NEED to Read to Build Muscle and Burn Fat Fast (Big Brandon Carter) (July 2024)