May 4, 2024

My good anti-stress resolution of the summer: 20 minutes of yoga

The benefits of yoga are scientifically recognized. Make twenty minutes of yoga per day would be very effective in fighting stress, according to the results of a US study by researchers at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Benson's team discovered that the techniques of yoga act directly on the expression of genes related to stress.
For the purposes of this work, 58 people were followed. Several of them practiced yogabut also tai chi, and others had never done it.
According to the authors of the study, the brains of people practicing a meditation or relaxation technique would be trained in such a way that they would react to a state of anxiety in the opposite way to people who do not yoga. Long-time adherents of these techniques would "control" 2,200 different genes.
Twenty minutes of relaxation or meditation per day would be enough to actively fight against stress, and therefore against the diseases that are linked to it. So we take a break yoga 20 minutes quiet and relax. A good resolution not too difficult to apply!

Gentle Yoga Flow (25 mins) All Levels (May 2024)