June 30, 2024

Pregnancy and libido: managing the ups and downs of desire within the couple

A question of timing
The first difficulty is to find the right moment! The first trimester is catastrophic for female libido, with nausea and fatigue. The third is not ideal either, with the uterus that has taken on imposing proportions and painful kidneys. During the day, the future mum sometimes too hungry in the morning or too sleep at night to think of something else. Finally, pregnancy is a very rich period psychically, causing nightmares in both parents.
In addition, the arrival of a child often convinces to move for a larger home, or to accept more professional responsibilities, the energy expended diverts from any sex life. Finally, even if this fear is absolutely unfounded, the future dad may be afraid to hurt the fetus during penetration.
Face the problem
The first step is to discuss it together! Do not hesitate to play cards on the table, and clearly express your fears and reluctance to better overcome them. Complicity is essential to the couple, and there is a problem when one of the partners feels frustrated by the situation.
It will then have to find solutions. It simply starts with common relaxation beaches, to forget all the daily stress. For example going to a stylish restaurant together, going on a weekend in a nice B & B, in short, to be pampered!
And even if you feel lost in your new body, do not give up. Make up, play the necklines (it's time), find pretty dresses ... As for your partner, he too must be beautiful to seduce you!
Play his imagination
Then ... stimulate your libido! Find your old phantasms, or enrich them by watching naughty movies. The new body of the future mum calls new types of caresses. So do not settle for simple penetrations, be imaginative, test unusual positions that do not crush the belly.
You will even find some new ways of doing that you will want to keep after giving birth. Enjoy it, the sensations are often increased tenfold during pregnancy !

Low Sexual Desire Biological Aspects – Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Clinic (June 2024)