July 4, 2024

Pregnancy: eating organic at all costs?

No pesticides

Apart from the fact that it is an ecological gesture, the best argument offered by doctors for the consumption of biological products during pregnancy comes from the absence of pesticides.
Indeed, this type of agriculture respects the ecosystem and therefore does not use chemicals. A study by the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) showed that an average Frenchman ingested nearly 1.5 kg per year of additives (dyes, preservatives) of pesticides and other pollutants.

Organic food for your health and that of your baby

All these potentially harmful health products are not filtered by the placenta surrounding the fetus. They also pass through the milk during breastfeeding and may increase the risk of allergies.
Thus, it is advisable to eat as healthy as possible during pregnancy and to continue this food hygiene until the two-three years of the child. This is an important period for the formation of its neurons.

An organic version of the meal during pregnancy

Concretely, during your pregnancy, it is better to adopt a diet organic, rich in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Ban industrial products such as sweets, aspartame (present especially in soft drinks).
Your meal is organized around different inputs knowing that the calorie intake of your day is between 2000 and 2500 kcal (it increases over the quarters).

- Entrance: varied crudités.
- Dish: meat in moderation, fish or two eggs with cooked vegetables. In case you do not want protein, take cereals, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), cooked vegetables, seaweed.
- Dessert: homemade pastry, cooked fruit or dairy.

Labels to recognize organic products

You can find the different labels of organic farming to make your choice: AB, Demeter, Nature and Progress. You can also ask the Association for the Maintenance of a Farming Agriculture (AMAP). Here producers in the region distribute their harvest of fruits, vegetables, meats, wine or cheese in a fixed place every week.
To find out more: "Guide organic of the future mother "by Geneviève Hervé-Loisier (Editions Anagram).

What I Ate In The First Trimester - Healthy Pregnancy Recipes & Diet Tips (July 2024)