May 3, 2024

Scarlett Johansson "I totally adhere to cosmetic surgery!"

"My diet is often to spend my day sitting eating parma ham and drinking Bellini. "For helpful beauty tips, Scarlett Johansson is not necessarily the strongest. But in terms of speaking frankly, we can not blame the star of Match Point to moderate.

With her luscious lips, her voluptuous and elegant body, it's hard to imagine the actress The Avengers wish to modify anything in his anatomy. As for the face, the Meg Ryan and Nicole Kidman have made the intervention costs of plastic surgery on the face that had consequences on their career.

However, Scarlett Johansson is far from militant for the 100% natural. "The plastic surgery ? I totally adhere! I have no desire to look like an old witch later. I do not see what's charming about it, "she explains frankly to the journalist Le Figaro, an unusual statement ...

Find the meeting with Scarlett Johansson and the beautiful photos of Nino Munoz in the Figaro Madame on newsstands.

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