April 26, 2024

Secret Story 4: the top 3 girls with incendiary beauty

This year again, the girls of the House of Secrets reserve us memorable moments. High in color, the 2010 promotion stirs our curiosity. Here are our 3 favorite women.

Most notable for her hair style is the Charlotte punkette: hair reds standing on the head hedgehog electric version, stylish makeup and rock'n roll, the most stylish girl of Secret Story 4, it's her ! Her hairstyle crazy is fascinating us all.

Then comes in 2nd position the buxom Anne-Krystel, a beautiful plant of 24 years that made a very noticed entry by its style of dress. We at GirlsFromMainStreet.com, we love it for its accent from Quebec and for its stunning beauty: enamored doe eyes, luscious lips, greedy cheekbones, hair auburn very sexy, the beautiful promises us moments caliente in the house of secrets!

Our top 3 ends with the sexy Stephanie, ex the handsome kid Senna. It must have been a blonde, here it is! The young woman with pink lips bonbonse is easily noticed by his plastic dream and his "sunny" makeup very popular in summer! Her small side Sienna Miller who comes back from the beach is already enambling us, but less than the male we are certain!

According to you, who of these three young women will ignite the house? To be continued in the next episode !

Epic undressing (April 2024)