May 7, 2024

Sex: Why is it good for your health?

- As when you play sports, all the muscles that work during the sexual act and even more when you change position regularly.

- It's great for the psyche. The more you do itlove the more you feel good in your head and body. So perfect to improve self-confidence.

- Cuddling is a good way to de-stress. "However the man will think about make love to relax while the woman will wait to be less stressed to be able to make love. From where sometimes some conflicts! "says Dr. Mimoun, a gynecologist and psychosomatician.

- Thelove improves sleep, it is a natural sleeping aid. In addition he erases anxiety and nervousness.

- It's good for the heart, it makes the heart pump work. During orgasm the heart can reach 180 beats / minute and contrary to what the medical profession has long affirmed, even in case of heart problem it is possible to make love.

- The sex strengthens the immune system. Ideal to escape colds and other nasty flu.

- In women, nipple stimulation and orgasm would protect against breast cancer. "But beware, all of this remains conditional, and no recent study really proves it," said Dr. Mimoun.

- In men, three weekly reports would reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by 15%.
Conversely, poor sexual health, including the appearance of an erectile problem, may be the first sign of more serious pathologies (diabetes, cardiovascular disease ...) hence the importance of consulting in case of such problem. "It is not necessary to dramatize so a sexual breakdown can happen" observes Sylvain Mimoun.

Sex Therapy at Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Clinic - What to Expect from your Appointment (May 2024)