May 7, 2024

Slimming cuisine: exotic fruits rich in vitamins

To lose some weight before the swimsuit stage on the beach, the stars have found the solution: consume only fruits for ten days. Indeed, fruits are low in calories and contain a lot of satiating fiber and vitamins. We will not go that far but we detox his body with exotic fruits.


The pineapple, grapefruits and watermelons, are known for their virtues "burns fat". These fruits are traditionally present in diets but for a flat stomach, we favor the kumquat. Very tangy, the kumquat, cousin of the orange, is eaten whole. It is packed with vitamins and only provides 42 calories per 100g. It is served in salads fruits breakfast.
The physalis, this bay of the family of tomatoes, has a tangy taste. Its pulp is rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium and fiber. All for only 5 calories per fruit. So you can rush on it.

For its part, the passion fruit fights cholesterol and triglycerides. And for only 62 calories per 100g. Its pulp, made of small crunchy seeds, is ideal for cocktails of fruits or in a white cheese.

Mango, on the other hand, is rich in beta-carotene. Raw and in small pieces, it brighten up a salad for sweet and savory recipes. For an energy drink, you can mix it with soy milk and orange juice.

Champion of vitamin C is the papaya. With 33 calories, it is part of fruits the lightest. It must be chosen ripe otherwise it will be too bland.

Finally, do not forget to wait two hours between each fruit break.

Benefits of Eating Tropical Fruit | How Food Is Medicine (May 2024)