April 26, 2024

Star body: toned and sculpted arms

Before starting your session sport, a small course of anatomy is needed. Unlike the biceps, which are usually muscles that men particularly like, triceps them, require all the attention of the fairer sex. Indeed, it is there that nest the fat cells that give this relaxing effect, not very glamorous.

The sport you need

To strengthen his muscles arms, nothing like tennis, badminton, squash, swimming, rowing or dancing. You prefer them sports zen? Practice Pilates or yoga.
If you do not like the sport, get started in a series of wall pumps or use some dumbbells to have pretty arms well drawn. To avoid the development of biceps, be careful not to make movements too fast and not to use heavy vehicles. On the contrary, choose dumbbells with low weight, and do long and slow exercise series to particularly solicit the triceps.
For example, start with arms stretched along the body, a dumbbell in each hand and bring it closer to the shoulder without moving your elbows. Above all, do not forget to warm up before your session. sport even if it takes place at home.
And for a muscular athlete, fine and elegant, do not forget to adapt your diet by consuming proteins such as lean meats, eggs, fish and legumes. So, your body will not be exhausted and you will be able to sport a body of star, tonic and in good health.

Sculpt Your Arms - Fast! (April 2024)