May 2, 2024

Taurus Horoscope 2015 - Ascending

Taurus Horoscope 2015 - What predicts your ascendant?

Ascendant at Aries
: Under the influence of Saturn in an unfavorable position, this year will not be very easy to live. Yet the problems you will encounter are not without solutions. So, if you keep your spirits up and decide to react instead of giving in to discouragement, you will quickly get out of trouble.
Ascendant of Taurus : Even if your life is not a long calm river during this year, you will be able to control situations well and avoid slippage. In the workplace, you can even get extra responsibility with sustained effort. In love, be sure to strengthen your bonds of complicity with your partner.
Ascendant to Gemini : No, carelessness and lightness will not be there! Often, you will have to make difficult decisions, whether in your personal or professional life. However, if you face your responsibilities and rely on the rigor and the sense of the effort, you will come out victorious, and even grown, of all these trials!
Ascendant at Cancer : Subject to the opposite influence of Jupiter and Saturn, you will be torn between contradictory tendencies. But you will be able to get out of trouble, especially at the professional level, provided you set specific goals. Heart side, bet on the dialogue with your partner.
Ascendant to Leo
: Avoid the ease and cultivate the taste of the effort. These will be your priorities this year. In the work, you can then consolidate your position and even get a promotion. In love, do not let incomprehension invade your life as a couple. And if you have any complaints about your partner, express them clearly and calmly.
Ascendant in Virgo You will be enterprising and determined to overcome the obstacles that will stand in your way. The influence of Mars will be stimulating, and you will not give in to discouragement. You will see that your efforts will be rewarded.
Ascendant in Libra : More than ever, arrange to reinforce the complicity that binds you to your partner. He alone can help you through difficult times and overcome your doubts. Your companion will also give you valuable help if you have to face professional problems. It will stimulate you and push you to act.
Ascendant at Scorpion : Stop the melancholy! Even if you are sometimes tempted to mope, do not give in to depression. Moreover, thanks to the beneficial influence of Jupiter, you will find the springs to react to the difficulties. Finally, you will be able to solve your problems.
Ascending to Sagittarius : Until mid-June, beware of professional and sentimental instability! Taken in a whirlwind of contradictory planetary influences, you risk committing imprudences and making bad decisions. But from the end of June, you will be more realistic, more lucid, and you will be able to better control the situation.
Ascending to Capricorn : Under the influence of Saturn in a position of conflict with your sign, you may be inclined to fall back on yourself. This would be the last thing to do! On the contrary, seek the help of people who love you and continue to live an active social life. This is how you will get away with it.
Ascending to Aquarius : Until the end of May, you will devote your energy to the realization of your professional ambitions, and you will prove as effective as efficient. Starting in June, however, you may feel a bit unmotivated, but it will hold good! In love, do not ask the impossible for your partner; accept his small weaknesses. Pisces Ascendant : The first eight months of the year will be very constructive. In the work, you can take bold initiatives, and this boldness will pay off. In love, too, you will take your destiny into your own hands. During the last four months of the year, however, you will be tempted to let fate decide for you again. It will react and refuse any passivity.

All About Taurus Rising Sign & Taurus Ascendant in Astrology (May 2024)