April 26, 2024

Testimonials: "At Christmas, I do not refuse anything to my children"

Sandrine: "The gifts, it makes them happy, simply"

"I have two children, Baptiste, twelve, and Corentin, nine, four years ago, they lost their father, my husband died suddenly in a car accident a few weeks before Christmas. Since then, we think a lot about his disappearance at this time of the year. But I do not want it to spoil my children's parties. They have suffered enough and I want them to take advantage of Christmas, like all their friends. That's why for the past four years, I've made sure they have everything they want Christmas. Of course, that does not replace their dad, but if it can make them forget for a moment that he is no longer there, then I won my bet. Nothing is more beautiful than a child's smile ... "

Marie-Lucie: "I stayed a big child"

"I'm thirty years old and I have three children, and yet I still live in the world of" Bisounours ", in any case what my husband and my friends say about me, I'm a fan of cartoons, series TV for teenagers, I dress up young and trendy, I listen to the same music as my twelve year old daughter, etc. Of course, I love Christmas. My children make me long lists of gifts from November, and I'm looking for all these treasures. I do not like to deprive them, tell them no. Of course, it has to stay within the limits of our budget, but I try to fill them as much as possible. My biggest madness? Two years ago, I bought a pony for my eldest daughter. He was not on his list because she thought we would disagree, but I knew she wanted him more than anything. As soon as desired, immediately offered! After all, Christmasit's supposed to be magic, right? "

Claude: "No more difficult Christmas!"

"I have been a single mom of five children for a little over ten years and life has not always been easy." At the time I was not riding on gold, the gifts of Christmasit was not my priority, far from it. First of all, I had to worry about feeding my children properly, buying them clothes, basically, living well. I know they suffered at that time, that they were less spoiled than their friends, that they felt different.
Since then, things have changed: I found a job with a good salary and I received a legacy. AT Christmasnow, I make sure to spoil them to the fullest. Clothes brands, bags, shoes for my girls, game consoles, guitar, computer for my son. I want to catch up with all these Christmas lost, give them what they want now that I can afford it! I know that Christmas It's not just a gift, but for me it's a big win. "

Healed of Cancer by Jesus | Ireta Willoughby Shares Her Testimony (April 2024)