April 26, 2024

The first name of the day: Marie

Origin of name Marie
The first name Mary means "the one who raises" in Hebrew. This first name universal, is carried by approximately 1,328,000 people in France. He even figures in the top 50 national. The Holy Mary is celebrated on August 15, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

History of the first name Marie
Virgin and mother of Jesus in the Bible, Saint Mary is warned by the archangel Gabriel that she was chosen to bring forth Christ. After that first name has spread widely in all countries of Judeo-Christian culture. It was also enormously attributed to the fifteenth and twentieth century and still today it is one of the first names the most worn in France.

Marie is a person who does not give in and who likes to give orders to the people around her. Generally independent and dynamic she can be very daring at work with her colleagues. In love she is sensitive and endearing.

Anne-Marie - 2002 [Official Video] (April 2024)