July 4, 2024

The first name of the day: Octave

Octave: a Latin origin

Augustus, first Roman emperor and adopted son of Julius Caesar, was born under the name of Caius Octavius. The origin of first name Octave is actually Latin, meaning "the eighth". The term does not necessarily refer to a rank in a sibling, but could also refer to the number 8, symbol of the universal balance. In addition, the Octavia people is one of the great Roman families. Auguste was one of them. But on November 20th, Saint Octave celebrates the Christian calendar, a converted soldier of the Theban Legion, who was martyred in 297.

Octave, a rare name

The first name Octave is given to children mainly in France, Spain and Italy. It remains uncommon: between 1900 and 2009, 8651 French toddlers were named as well. That said, Octave had almost disappeared from the civil registry between the 1950s and 1990s, before starting a slight recovery. In 2009, they were 180, the following year 196. In comparison, in 2010, the new parents chose 6923 times Lucas - first name favorite French.

Octave, a jovial nature

A child wearing the first name Octave will have great chances to be sociable, friendly and jovial. The Octave know how to adapt easily, in the personal relationships as in the professional environment, they are endowed with a strong intelligence. And it starts from the youngest age! The child Octave is communicative, demonstrative, always cheerful, but beware, it could also tend to embellish the reality. At all ages, Octave like to be noticed and hate loneliness first and foremost.

Octave famous

AT first name rare, rare celebrities. However, there is the French journalist and writer of the Impressionist movement Octave Mirbeau ("The Journal of a Chambermaid") and the Mexican poet and diplomat, Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz.

What is an Octave? | Music Theory | Video Lesson (July 2024)