May 15, 2024

The first name of the day: Timothy

Meaning of first name Timothy

The first name boy Timothy is of Greek origin. It comes from the word "timotheos", meaning "the one who honors God". Timon was baptized by St. Paul in the year 47 and was then his companion until the martyrdom of the apostle twenty years later. Head of the Church of Ephesus, a Greek city of Asia Minor, Timothy was in turn martyred in 97. His feast is celebrated on July 3.

Timothy, a rating up

Timothy is undeniably a first name international, moreover fairly recent. It was in the 1960s that Timothy had the most success in the United States and Great Britain. In France, the first name Timothy reappeared a decade later and has since ceased its ascent: 55 French children so named in 1976, 463 in 1996, 724 in 2009. This progression is no less first name which remains rare. There was, for example, ten times more births of Lucas that same year 2009.

Timothée, defender of great causes

The Timothy have a rather complex character, which can be both adventurous and excessive, but also introverted and cerebral. It is said of them that they are inclined to defend great causes, between curiosity, passion and the spirit of analysis. With Timothy, the genius is never far, but its tendency to impulsivity will undoubtedly be channeled to enable him to live better in society. This duality is found in relationships: passionate, Timothy will not be able to express his feelings to the other.

Some famous Timothy

Here are some celebrities who wear the first name Timothy British actor Timothy Dalton, American Timothy Olyphant, producer Tim Burton and French writer Timothée de Fombelle.

Timothy Goes To School Episode 1 - First Day/Yoko (May 2024)